Invisalign Lingual Braces | Appleton WI | Orthodontist Michael Gabler

Michael J. Gabler, DDS, MS | Mark H. Hanson, DDS, MS
2001 S. Matthias Street | Appleton, WI 54915
(920) 739–5822

Activities and Events

We truly love Christmas time!  It gives us the opportunity to bring out our creative side.  This year our card idea was taken from the movie "A Christmas Story".  We love the feedback we get from our patients and hope that we surprise them each and every year!

Christmas 2016


We have the greatest patients!!  Halloween 2016 was another great success.  Our Annual Halloween party was enjoyed by all.  We love seeing our patients out of the office and in a fun filled environment.  The canned goods brought by everyone were very much appreciated  at
St. Joes Food Pantry!  Happy Halloween!!


Our 2016 fall retreat to American Orthodontics headquartered in Sheboygan WI was a day filled with education and team bonding.  Did you know that American Orthodontics makes all of your brackets and wires??  It's so impressive to have a World Wide Company right in our back yard!

During our visit we were also very fortunate to enjoy trout and salmon fishing on Lake Michigan!


2016 is turning out to be a great year!!  Dr. Gabler is sponsoring numerous soccer and baseball teams throughout the Fox Valley as well as many post graduation and post prom parties, various other High School Activities and the Boy and Girl choirs in the valley.  We love hearing about all the great things going on in the local communities!!

Soccer 2016 


Our May 2016 Team Retreat was a huge success!!  We had a great morning of team training along with a wonderful team lunch.  We then proceeded to have some fun team bonding at the shooting range!!  It was a very enjoyable day filled with learning and team camaraderie!

Team Retreat

Team Photo 2016

Shooting Range Team Bonding


We have great ambassadors for our office.  Kelley and Sarah were out delivering treats to the schools in the area.  We thank all the teachers and administrators for allowing students to leave school for their appointments.  It takes a team to create all the beautiful smiles around us!!

School Deliveries


Halloween 2015 was a great success.  We gathered again with patients and their families for a night of skating and fun.  We collected  318.7 pounds of items that were donated to the local food pantry.  We have such Great Patients!!


Again, Dr. Gabler invited referring dentists and their teams to join us for our annual flu shot clinic.  Flu shots were administered by local health providers and refreshments were given.  Everyone appreciated this generous gift of ensuring good health through the winter months. 



Dr. Gabler sponsors numerous soccer and baseball teams throughout the Fox Valley.  In addition, he sponsors events for juvenile diabetes, post graduation and post prom parties, activities for the Boy Scouts, Boy and Girl choirs, golf outing fund raisers, multiple charities, and many other yearly sponsorships involving local schools and other community organizations.


Angie and Sarah are great ambassadors for our office.  Recently they visited local dentists to thank them for their referrals.  Everyone really enjoyed seeing there beautiful smiles and the treats too.


Gabler Orthodontics was proud to sponsor the Little Chute Destination Imagination Intermediate Team at Globals in Knoxville, TN this year.  We were told they did an awesome job!


One of our most exciting events is our annual Halloween roller skating party held in October.  Dr. Gabler and team gather with patients and their families for a night of skating and fun.  While having a great time, our "goblins" graciously donate non perishable food items to fill local food pantries.


Each year at our Halloween party we ask each guest to bring items to donate to the local food pantry.  Last year 333.6 pounds of non perishable food items were donated.  Thank you to everyone who helped with this!!

Gabler Orthodontics is a proud sponsor of Lake Park Sports Zone.
Lexi's friends really enjoyed seeing her hanging from the rafters :)


At Gabler Orthodontics we are constantly trying to improve our services to our patients.  Below the Clinical Team is training on our I-Tero Scanner to help make the process of impressions a much more enjoyable experience.


In the fall, Dr. Gabler invites all referring dentists and their teams to join us for our annual flu shot clinic.  This event is held at our office during the lunch hour.  Flu shots are administered by local health providers and refreshments are given.  Everyone appreciates this generous gift of ensuring good health through the winter months. 


Over the years we have tried to come up with fun and creative ideas for our Christmas card to our referring dentists and patients.. You just never know what we will think of next!



Complimentary Initial Exam
  Gabler Orthodontics is on Facebook Gabler Orthodontics is on youtube